Fuchsteufelswild: The Wild Cookbook by Viktoria Fuchs

In the sixth generation, Viktoria Fuchs, together with her sister Kristin, runs the Romantik Hotel & Restaurant Spielweg in the Black Forest. When they took over the traditional restaurant and hotel, they were only in their early 20s. Viktoria is in charge of the kitchen and has quickly brought a breath of fresh air to her father Karl-Josef's well-known game cuisine. With influences from international cuisine, she shows a completely new face of game cuisine. On her menu are wild boar dim sum, hazelnut-crusted wild boar fillet, and wild blood sausage with grilled scallop. Viktoria Fuchs cooks creatively, cosmopolitan, and regionally – her passion is for local products, to which she gives a unique twist with near and far Eastern ingredients. Her cooking style is unstrained and cheerful, just like herself. Grounded, but also wild-style, that's how her cooking can be described – fiercely wild!


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